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Letters to Ebay Page 2

  Hello! I search eBay from 3:30–5:00 (after I feed the ducks) for interesting items. I have found something for my hobby here with your Lucien Legeard Trap. I belong to a group of men aged between 45–85 who enjoy the thrill of the hunt. We call our group “The Fugitives” and we hunt each other for sport. One person is chosen to be Dr. Richard Kimble and the rest are a part of Marshal Samuel Gerard’s posse. It’s just like the movie, where we give the person (usually it’s eighty-two-year-old Glen) a head start, making him jump into a river or canal a la the 1993 movie. Then the rest of us hunt him down in the forest. He likes to hide in leaves. We can use any type of weapons, devices, and equipment we see fit to hunt our fugitive. I know that we would love to use your Large Lucien Legeard Trap. My questions: How long do you believe one could be stuck in the trap and still live? How much damage could it do to a human ankle? Thank you for your time.


  Actually the Lucien Legeard would be unsuitable. Firstly, the jaws are only 8" across and you would be lucky to get a man’s foot in that small size. Secondly as it’s a single spring, a human could reach down and release himself if caught. The British did have a man trap with double springs and plain jaws. But when these come up for auction they are terribly expensive because of their rarity. Cheers. Alan

  Hobo the Clown Marionette–String Puppet

  Hobo The Marionette

  This string marionette is a clown dressed in bright colors. It’s 15 inches tall without the strings.

  As a child or a child at heart, this toy is lots of fun. Make Nellie run, dance, go to the floor and more. You can sing as he dances. Have Fun!

  Accepted Payment : PayPal

  This toy can make a great birthday, Christmas, Holiday present!

  Hello! My older sister, Jane, is a big prankster and my brother Carlos (adopted) and I are planning to turn the tide. She once laid down 600 super balls on my bathroom floor and I broke my collarbone, ruptured my coccyx and sprained my right eyelid. You see, Jane is terrified of clowns ever since the state fair in 1988. She thinks they’re “of the devil.” My brother and I are planning on hiding 325 clown puppets around the church on her wedding day Jan. 12. We will place them in the balcony, in the pews (rows 3–12), near the candles, embedded in the flowers, peaking over the pastor’s pocket, in her bathroom, in the best man’s shoe, in the flower girl’s bouquet, sitting on the piano bench, and manning the sound equipment. We also will hire four real clowns (The Mendoza Brothers) who will mingle with the guests after the ceremony. This will frighten her beyond belief! We can’t wait! Will your Clown Puppet stand on its own or will we have to prop it up? Can it make any sounds? Thank you.


  Hi. The clown, as it is a marionette doesn’t stand on its own and doesn’t make sounds. It has strings. You have the control of its movement while playing with it.

  The wedding day is a very special moment for the ones who are getting married—the parents, friends and relatives. I believe marriage is a terrifying decision on its own, when you think about the changes in your life that have to be made, responsibilities, economics and the possibility of having children to take care about. When you are at the altar getting ready for the ceremony, your whole life comes to mind, the good times and bad times. You re-evaluate life, before making the decision. I understand you want to make her payback all the terrible things she did, but she is your sister. It seems that even with all the terrible things that happened you still love each other. Think about it. At the end you and Carlos will always have in mind what happened at her wedding and its consequences. Maybe you can think of doing the clown thing in another activity with her. Sometimes there are activities before a wedding (rehearsal, dinner or brunch etc.). I know it’s not my business, but I felt the need to write this. Take good care of yourself and your family. They are the most precious thing we have in life.

  Thanks for visiting our store! The marionette is a good item to buy for someone to enjoy it. Maybe in time she will accept them, when she becomes a mother, you give it as a present to your nephew!

  Take care,


  Meinl Headliner–Five Star Cherry Congas and Bongos

  This auction is for a set of AA Meinl Headliner– Five Star Cherry/Chrome Congas and bongos with bongo stand. They were bought last winter and have been sitting in the corner of my room since. They are still in new condition for they have not been moved anywhere but to get them into my home. When purchased, the whole set was $460.

  Greetings and hello! I was browsing eBay (I do so every day after People’s Court) and stumbled across your auction. You see, my great grandmother Kiki has been living with my sister and I for nearly two years and she’s driving us downright batty. She hardly does our laundry anymore too! We have decided it’s time for her to go out and earn some rent money. We think that your Meinl Headliner–Five Star Cherry Congas and Bongos would be a great investment for us. We would set up the Congas and Bongos on the corner of 5th and Granite and Grandmother Kiki would drum to the walking public hoping for loose change. My questions: Do you think that the Congas and Bongos would be difficult for her to carry or would we need some sort of carrying device for easier transport? How much do they weigh? Do you think that she could play all four at the same time? Maybe the Congas with her hands and the Bongos with her feet? Thank you for your time.


  Hmmm… carrying them to the street corner. This task may be difficult but could be done. Put that conga stand around her neck, duct tape one to her back and one to her front and ride the bongos, with stand attached, like a horse. It would probably be better for transportation if you had a carrying device but can be done without. You may have to walk back a few times to grab the pieces you couldn’t get before. I’m not sure of the exact weight but not too bad. All and all, I would say maybe 50ish pounds. If Kiki could play with her feet, then I would bet she could make a little money playing on the street corner.

  Happy Birthday Hat Banner Banners Flag Flags

  The Happy Birthday Hat Banner features a brightly colored birthday hat on a yellow background! The border of this decorative flag is done in multiple colors with stars, moons, flowers, birthday cake and a present! The word “Happy” appears at the top of the flag and the word “Birthday” appears at the bottom! This is a great flag to put out for everyone’s birthday! This flag is brand new and in the manufacturer’s packaging!

  Greetings! I have a few questions about your Birthday Banner. I run a cock fighting ring and a very popular rooster named El Uno Con Grandes Talentos (The One With Large Talons) is celebrating his two-year birthday on February 18. It just so happens that he’s scheduled to fight Mr. Bubbles that day (4–1 odds) and we wish to plan a party for him. His record currently sits at 28–4 and he has proved to be a most profitable bird for our business. As El Uno Con Grandes Talentos enters the ring, everyone in attendance will be wearing party hats, blowing those party horns, screaming, “Viva El Uno Con Grandes Talentos! Viva El Uno Con GrandesTalentos!” The spectators will be treated to one complementary piping hot churro. My wife, Conchita, and I are decorating the cock fighting ring. Could your Birthday Banner be attached to the barbed wire that surrounds the ring? Could we wrap El Uno Con Grandes Talentos in the banner, like a prize fighter donning the flag of his country? Thank you.


  Hi Art!

  I have to say these are the MOST unusual questions I’ve ever had! The banner has a tube edge that would normally slip over a house flag pole or a vertical flag dowel. You could put a piece of twine or rope through this opening and tie it to the barbed wire pretty easily though, I would imagine. You could definitely wrap the rooster in the flag… it’s a soft pliable fabric that would work well for this! Let me know if you have any additional questions and happy birthday & good luck to El Uno!


  Vintage Sterling Charm ~ Large Heart Locket ~I Love You

  This is a very old pretty that weighs 8.2 grams and measures 1¼" �
� 1¼". It opens up to heart shaped picture frames for a snapshot of you and your honey. Marked .925 inside. Sweet and sentimental.

  Howdy! Your I Love You locket is exactly what I’m looking for. I am currently ranked #83 in the PBR (Professional Bull Riders) circuit but recently caught my girlfriend of four years, Shelby-Rae, cheating on me with a carrot top rodeo clown called Sprinkles. After I rode the bull, Mossy Oak Mudslinger, in Memphis last week, I proudly strutted back to my trailer for a cold one. It was behind Cody Lambert’s trailer where I found Shelby-Rae and Sprinkles sucking face to no end. Sprinkles hadn’t even the respect to change out of his barrelman outfit. There I was, staring at the love of my life crushing my heart to pieces. Shelby-Rae always said that she’d love me forever. Hogwash! I am going to confront Shelby-Rae. I will walk up to her and show her an I Love You locket and smash it to smithereens! That will show her! How solid is your locket? In your opinion, which tools would perform the most damage: crowbar, a sledgehammer, or pick-ax? Any suggestions?


  The locket would smash very nicely with a small sledgehammer. Please make sure that Shelby-Rae is well out of the way when you do this or you will be breaking rocks instead of hearts. I think we should collaborate on writing a song about this event. Perhaps a song entitled “Crushing My Heart With a Rodeo Clown.” Maybe we could make a mint off of it, flaunt the money in front of Shelby-Rae and Sprinkles, ditch my retired rodeo husband (no kidding) and run away where rodeos and clowns don’t exist. My husband says to tell you that there are plenty buckle of bunnies and Shelby-Rae ain’t worth it. And by the way my husband knows Cody Lambert. Joe used to ride many, many years ago—in the Donny Gay era—and has the scars to prove it. Joe says if you see Lucky Lundegreen to tell him hello. Now from my point of view any woman that would fool around with a red headed man dressed up in a clown suit is not worthy of a hard old cowboy. So, buy the locket, smash the thing if it will make you feel better, and dump the trash.


  P.S. Sometimes we watch the bull riding on TV. From now on when you climb on the back of that bull, imagine that you are riding Sprinkles and spur that sucker! And if you get thrown, like Shelby-Rae has thrown you, pick yourself up, dust your butt off and smile. There are a million girls watching you. You just gotta find the right one.

  Drug Rep Sealed (40) Notepad Lot Post-it Note Pad

  You are bidding on a Drug Rep (40) Sealed Post-it Notepad Lot. This is Nice! From Monistat 1. Only the Doctors & Nurses get these! Made by Post-it! You will receive (1) Sealed Pack of (40) Post-it Notepads. Each measures 5" × 3".

  Nice Logos. Sorry for the bad picture.

  Please e-mail us with any questions—Satisfaction Guaranteed

  Your sticky notes could help me. Ever since I was struck on the head by an errant horseshoe thrown by my nephew, Kyle, I’ve been acting strangely and forgetting things. For example, last week I showed up to work (I own a day-old donut shop called Gobs o’ Goo) with my collared shirt inside out and unmatched shoes on my feet. Saturday I got into a heated shouting match with the gas station attendant over the price of gas and threw a wrench at him. The final straw happened last night at the dinner table when I accidentally called my wife Hong-Yen, which was the name of my Vietnamese lover during my tour in Vietnam. I would use your sticky notes to help me remember things. I’m concerned, though, that your notes have the name of a drug called Monistat on it. I’ve been teaming up with Nancy Reagan since the 1980s and have said “NO!” to drugs. I can’t, in good conscience, purchase notes that promote drug use. What exactly is Monistat? Is it a pill or does one smoke it? Thank you.


  Hi Art,

  I’m in Las Vegas at the Wynn writing you on my laptop. Sorry to hear all of your misfortunes. Monistat 1 is a woman’s health drug for a one-dose yeast infection medicine. It’s made by Johnson & Johnson and might be an over-the-counter drug. I don’t think Mrs. Reagan would mind this but I’m not sure. Go to Google and put in Monistat 1 and it will give you all the info. Thanks and good luck (especially the blunder with the wife). David

  New Large Cat in the Hat Stuffed Animal

  NEW LARGE (this guy stands almost 40" tall) CAT IN THE HAT cuddle pillow or stuffed animal. Your little Cat in the Hat lover will snuggle with this all day, it’s adorable. 100% polyester, very soft.Ages 3+.

  Greetings! Every year since 1990 my high school friends and I have performed a ritual on New Year’s Eve. We douse a stuffed animal with gasoline, light it on fire and drag it behind a sport utility vehicle. It leaves a trail of burning debris on the road. Think Back to the Future meets Herbie the Love Bug! In 1993 we burned a 4-foot Bart Simpson. His face was melted like that guy from Raiders of the Lost Ark. In 1997 we stole my sister’s vintage Barbie doll, shot bottle rockets at it, then dragged it behind a Ford Explorer for 3 miles. We felt like Thelma and Louise. Disaster did strike, though, in 2002 when James Berger (spectator) received 2nd degree burns on his ear lobe when a flaming, out of control Sponge Bob spanked him in the face. We need a new “sacrifice” for this year. Do you believe your Cat in the Hat would easily light on fire? When sprawling on the roadside, would its limbs (or hat) disintegrate or simply fall off? We almost caught a neighbor’s junipers on fire last year. Thanks.


  Fires yet I have not set, no fires have I started.

  And if this cat were to be lit, I’d just be brokenhearted.

  But a sale’s a sale and after all, he’s really not alive,

  So light him up if burn he must at twenty-four ninety-five.

  6 Trays Individual Fake/False Eyelashes (Long)—#SGL03

  You are looking on 6 trays long individual flare false eyelashes auction.

  It can be used for up to 36 pairs of eyes.

  It gives a Natural Look. Perfect for Brides or occasions where you still want to look natural. Our false eyelashes come from the same source with namebrand false eyelashes in the market.

  Color: Black

  Our Retail Price: $1.99 per tray

  Case Size: 4.25W × 2L × 0.5D inches

  Length of Each Lash: 0.625 inch (1.6 cm)

  Greetings! As a severe sufferer from EPD (Eyelash Plucking Disease) I often find myself in awkward circumstances. My condition was supposedly cured by Dr. Winter but returned in 2004 while watching Clay Aiken sing on American Idol. When I was in fourth grade my parents sent me to a priest because I blinked uncontrollably. Now I pluck my eyelashes. Because of my compulsions I have my share of social issues. Just last week my date with Lisa Hartsell ended in disaster when I plucked 8 eyelashes and sprinkled them subconsciously into her piping hot bowl of vegetable soup. Also, I got fired from my job last Thursday. As you can see, I need a solution for my case of EPD. I could fasten your eyelashes and only pluck the fake ones, thus leaving my natural ones in mint condition and also deterring my compulsion! How many individual fake eyelashes per unit? 30? If I involuntarily pluck 7 eyelashes per minute, how long would each pair last? Thanks!


  Dear Art:

  Thank you for contacting We are sorry to hear your condition and we hope that our product can help you.

  Answering your questions, each tray consists of 60 pieces of individual flare eyelashes. Giving us your scenario, we believe it will take 8.5 minutes for one tray consisting 60 pieces to last.

  Please note, we carry three different lengths: short, medium and long. We currently only auction the long one on eBay.

  Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.

  Red Cellophane Wrap 30" × 100'

  This Is a Roll of Cellophane Wrap Perfect for Gift Baskets, Floral Arrangements, Gift Wrap and More!


  *30" × 100', 250 sq. ft.*

  I am in the middle of putting together a play at our church. I penned the play myself. It’s titled “Can’t Touch This: The Untold Story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.” The play revolves around the famous Biblical story of thre
e Jewish men who were thrown into a fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar and escaped unscathed by the flames. Unbeknownst to most historians, after they were promoted to the province of Babylon the three men opened up the first sauna and latkes business. Thus, SMA’s Hot Rocks and Cakes was born. Anyway, we’re having some trouble creating realistic looking flames and I was wondering if your red cellophane could do the trick. Our church pyrotechnics crew already burned a hole on the stage so they’re fired. If we lit the bottom of your cellophane on fire, how fast would it burn? Would your cellophane resonate a red-like glow, like the real fiery furnace? This could give the audience a real sense of the heat and be quite a spectacle.


  Good Afternoon,

  It truly is amazing what historians are uncovering these days. Hot Rocks & Cakes, who would have guessed? I wish I could give you a definitive answer on the cello, but I am really not sure how it would perform. I don’t think it will burn, more likely it would just melt. You could bottom light it and that would work, but I don’t know how hot your lights are, so wouldn’t want to venture a guess as to how long before the flames became rivers of molten lava (that would be a different story wouldn’t it?).

  Good Luck with your production!



  Large, Beautiful Happy Buddha Statue

  Large, Beautiful Happy Buddha Statue [Good Condition] 12 in. × 12 in. × 7 in.